Rebecca Lowery, M.Ed.Jul 13, 20203 minCan you trust me as a reliable source?I talk about how I implement research-based strategies a lot, but how do you know if I'm not just another blogger posting all my "knowledge"
Rebecca Lowery, M.Ed.Mar 27, 20203 minThe Overwhelming World of CurriculumThe world of curriculum is overwhelming? How a curriculum writer advises curriculum choices.
Rebecca Lowery, M.Ed.Feb 5, 20204 minRebecca, "What Curriculum Do You Use?"I created a video about this topic on IGTV as well (you can watch it by clicking here) and I basically took said there and wrote it here....
Rebecca Lowery, M.Ed.May 29, 20193 minThe Most Important Question for Homeschool Parents to Ask When Deciding on a CurriculumWhat parents need to ask before diving into curriculum.